Hairy Grabster Shark Tank Update

Have you ever found yourself in the shower, struggling to remove tangled hair from your hands? If so, you’re not alone. Andy and Patty Watne, the inventors of Hairy Grabster, experienced this frustrating problem and decided to take action. They created an innovative product designed to make shower time more enjoyable and less of a hassle.

The couple took their invention to Shark Tank, hoping to secure a deal and take their business to the next level. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the Hairy Grabster pitch, the outcome of their Shark Tank appearance, and provide an update on the company’s current status.

The Hairy Grabster Pitch and Deal at Shark Tank

Andy and Patty Watne entered the Shark Tank with high hopes for their product, the Hairy Grabster. This clever device is designed to suction to the side of the shower, providing a convenient place for users to remove tangled hair from their hands. The product is easy to clean, similar to a hairbrush, making it a practical solution for a common problem.

During their pitch, the Watnes asked the Sharks for $75,000 in exchange for a 20% equity stake in their business. They revealed that the manufacturing cost of the HairyGrabster was $1.30 per unit, and it retailed for $9.95. Despite the product’s potential, the Watnes had only generated $600 in sales at the time of their pitch.

The Sharks had mixed reactions to the HairyGrabster. Some expressed concerns about the product’s competition with existing solutions, while others felt that the problem it aimed to solve wasn’t significant enough to warrant an investment. Ultimately, the Watnes left the Tank without a deal.

Hairy Grabster Is Gone Out of Business?

Despite not securing a deal on Shark Tank, the Hairy Grabster company is still in business. Following their appearance on the show, the couple experienced a surge in sales, selling over 2,000 units. This boost in sales demonstrated that there was indeed a market for their product.

The Watnes have continued to work on their business, expanding their product line to include a purple butterfly model of the Hairy Grabster. They have also made the product available on various platforms, including their website, Amazon, Walmart online, and Zulily.

What Was Hairy Grabster Net Worth?

While the exact net worth of the HairyGrabster company is not publicly known, it’s clear that the Watnes have made progress since their Shark Tank appearance. The increased sales and expanded product line suggest that the company is growing and finding its place in the market.

Customer Reviews and Feedback

The HairyGrabster has received mixed reviews from customers. Some users have praised the product for its effectiveness in removing tangled hair from their hands during showers. They appreciate the convenience and ease of use that the HairyGrabster provides.

On the other hand, some customers have expressed concerns about the product’s durability and suction power. They have reported that the HairyGrabster sometimes fails to stick to the shower wall or falls off after a short period of use.

The Watnes have considered this feedback and are continuously working on improving their product to better meet the needs of their customers.

Business Overview

Andy Watne, a former floor trader who transitioned into project management, and his wife Patty, who has a background in family business and raising their three children, have demonstrated their entrepreneurial spirit through the creation of the Hairy Grabster.

Despite the challenges they have faced, including a lack of success with their initial marketing efforts involving Facebook ads and social media posts, the couple remains committed to their business. They have taken the advice of Shark Mark Cuban, who suggested giving away 500 units to people with long hair for feedback, to heart and are using this input to refine their product and business strategy.


The Hairy Grabster’s journey on Shark Tank may not have ended with a deal, but Andy and Patty Watne’s determination and belief in their product have kept their business alive and growing. As they continue to listen to customer feedback and make improvements, Hairy Grabster has the potential to become a household name in the world of shower accessories.

The Watnes’ story serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs, reminding us that success is not always immediate, but with perseverance and adaptability, it is achievable. We look forward to seeing what the future holds for the Hairy Grabster and the innovative couple behind it.

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