Lumi Shark Tank Update

Lumi, a company that started with a unique idea of sun-activated DIY printing kits, made its way to the popular TV show Shark Tank in Season 6. The innovative concept caught the attention of many, but did it manage to secure a deal with the Sharks? Let’s dive into the Lumi Shark Tank update and find out what happened to this intriguing business.

The Lumi Pitch and Deal at Shark Tank

Jesse Genet, the brains behind Lumi, stepped into the Shark Tank with an ambitious pitch. She requested a $250,000 investment in return for a 5% ownership share in her business. Genet showcased Lumi’s special dye and negative created through their app, which could print logos and photos on various products, including clothes, in just 10 minutes using sunlight.

Despite the impressive demonstration and the company’s $1 million sales in the previous year, with profit margins ranging from 70% to 90%, the Sharks were hesitant to invest. Mark Cuban, Barbara Corcoran, Lori Greiner, and Kevin O’Leary all declined the offer for various reasons, such as a lack of interest in the DIY market and concerns about the business model.

Lumi Is Gone Out of Business

After the Shark Tank appearance, Lumi underwent a significant transformation. The company shifted its focus from DIY printing kits to offering packaging and supply chain management software. However, despite the pivot, Lumi eventually went out of business.

The reasons behind Lumi’s failure remain unclear, but it’s possible that the company struggled to find its footing in the competitive packaging solutions market. The shift from a unique DIY product to a software-based service might have been too drastic, leading to challenges in customer acquisition and retention.

What Was Lumi Net Worth?

At the time of its Shark Tank appearance, Lumi had generated impressive sales numbers. In the year before the pitch, the company had made $1 million in sales, with their photo printing kits retailing at $39.00 and costing only $6.49 to produce. This resulted in profit margins ranging from 70% to 90%.

However, the company’s net worth after its pivot to packaging solutions and subsequent closure is unknown. The lack of public financial information makes it difficult to estimate Lumi’s value at the time of its shutdown.

Business Overview

Lumi started as a company offering sun-activated DIY printing kits that allowed users to print logos and photos on various products using a special dye and a negative created through the company’s app. The process was simple and quick, taking only 10 minutes in the sun to complete the printing.

Genet had identified a potential market in DIY enthusiasts who enjoyed printing crafts at home. The company’s initial sales and profit margins were impressive, indicating a strong demand for their product.

However, after the Shark Tank appearance, Lumi pivoted its business model to focus on packaging and supply chain management software. This shift aimed to address a different market need but ultimately proved challenging for the company.


The Lumi Shark Tank update is a story of a unique idea that failed to secure investment from the Sharks and eventually led to the company’s closure. Despite impressive sales and profit margins, Lumi’s pivot from DIY printing kits to packaging solutions proved to be a difficult transition.

While the reasons behind Lumi’s failure remain speculative, the company’s journey serves as a reminder of the challenges entrepreneurs face when shifting business models and entering new markets. The Lumi story may have ended, but the lessons learned from its rise and fall continue to provide valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs.

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