Stormbag Shark Tank Update

In a world where natural disasters can strike at any moment, innovative solutions for protecting homes and businesses are more important than ever. One such solution is the Stormbag, a unique product that caught the attention of investors on the hit TV show Shark Tank. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the Stormbag, its journey on Shark Tank, and where the company stands today.

The Stormbag Pitch and Deal at Shark Tank

Maurice Huffman and his son Miles brought their invention, the Stormbag, to the Shark Tank in Season 15. The father-son duo hails from Paradise, California, a town that was tragically destroyed by a devastating fire. He Asks $200,000 for 10% equity for his company. This experience led them to develop the Stormbag as a more convenient and effective alternative to traditional sandbags.

During their pitch, the Huffmans impressed the Sharks with their product and its potential impact. They successfully secured a deal with Mark Cuban and Lori Greiner, who invested $200,000 in exchange for a 30% stake in the company. This partnership marked a significant milestone for Stormbag and paved the way for future growth.

Is Stormbag Still in Business?

Yes, StormBag is still in business! After its appearance on Shark Tank, the company experienced a boost and continues to operate under the leadership of Maurice and Miles Huffman. They’ve expanded their reach by selling on Amazon and their website, and even have an official Instagram page. This indicates that StormBag is thriving and continues to offer its unique sandless sandbag product.

What Was Stormbag Net Worth?

Prior to their appearance on Shark Tank, Stormbag had already generated sales of $90,000. Each bag retailed for $5.50 and cost $2 to manufacture, indicating a healthy profit margin. The company’s valuation at the time of the Shark Tank deal was approximately $666,667, based on the $200,000 investment for a 30% stake.

How Does StormBag Work?

The Stormbag is an innovative solution that offers a more convenient and efficient alternative to traditional sandbags. The product is essentially an empty sack that, when soaked in water for 3-5 minutes, expands to weigh around 30 pounds. This makes it easy to transport and store the bags when they’re dry, and then quickly activate them when needed.

One of the key advantages of Stormbag is its reusability. Once the water dries up, which can take 2-3 weeks, the sack can be used again up to three times. This feature not only makes Stormbag more cost-effective but also reduces waste compared to disposable sandbags.

Impact of Shark Tank on Stormbag

Appearing on Shark Tank provided Stormbag with invaluable exposure and credibility. Following their successful pitch, the product gained recognition and approval from prestigious organizations such as Homeland Security, FEMA, and the National Guard. This endorsement further highlighted the potential of Stormbag as an effective tool for flood protection.

The Shark Tank effect also led to increased sales and expanded distribution. Stormbag became available for purchase on popular platforms like Amazon, as well as on the company’s own website. Customers could buy packs of 10 or 25 bags for personal use, while wholesale options of 250 packs were available for larger-scale applications.

Business Overview

Stormbag was founded by Maurice Huffman, a talented entrepreneur with a background in music. Huffman formed the blues and Southern rock band Big Mo and The Full Moon Band, showcasing his creative and artistic side. However, it was his experience living through natural disasters that inspired him to create Stormbag.

The product first gained notoriety during Hurricane Irene in 2011, when Huffman sold 5,000 bags to a hospital in New York. This early success demonstrated the real-world application and demand for Stormbag, setting the stage for future growth.

Despite the company’s eventual closure, Stormbag remains a testament to the power of innovation and the drive to create solutions that can help people in times of need. The product’s unique design, eco-friendly materials, and ease of use made it stand out in the market and earned the support of both customers and investors.


The story of Stormbag is one of ingenuity, perseverance, and the unpredictable nature of business. While the company’s journey ultimately ended, its impact and the lessons learned from its experience continue to resonate. The Huffmans’ appearance on Shark Tank showcased the potential of their product and the importance of innovative solutions in the face of natural disasters.

Although Stormbag is no longer in operation, its legacy serves as an inspiration for future entrepreneurs and inventors. The product’s unique design and the founders’ passion for helping others serve as a reminder that even in the toughest of times, there is always room for creativity and compassion.

As we navigate an ever-changing world, it’s crucial to support and encourage innovative ideas like Stormbag. By fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and investing in solutions that prioritize safety and sustainability, we can build a more resilient future for ourselves and generations to come.

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