Lifter Hamper Shark Tank Update

When former NFL player Marvin Phillip suffered a severe back injury, he knew he needed to find a better way to do laundry. Bending over to reach clothes at the bottom of a hamper was painful and difficult. So Marvin invented the Lifter Hamper – a spring-loaded laundry basket that brings clothes up to you, eliminating the need to strain your back. With 39% of American adults reporting back pain, Marvin saw a huge potential market for his innovative product.

The Lifter Hamper Pitch and Deal at Shark Tank

Marvin took his invention to Shark Tank in Season 4, asking for $85,000 in exchange for 12% equity in his company. He demonstrated how the Lifter Hamper works, with bungee springs that automatically lift clothes from the bottom to the top of the hamper as items are removed.

The sharks were impressed by Marvin’s charisma and the uniqueness of his product. However, they felt it was too early stage to invest, as Marvin had no sales or proof of consumer demand yet. In the end, Marvin left without a deal.

Is Lifter Hamper Still in Business?

The good news is, the Lifter Hamper is still going strong today. After Shark Tank, Marvin continued to push forward with his vision. In 2015, he scored a major win by securing a licensing deal with Household Essentials, a home storage and organization product leader. This partnership helped get the Lifter Hamper into several major retailers, both in stores and online. You can now find it at places like Home Depot, Kohl’s, Amazon,, and more.

The added exposure also allowed Marvin to make some design upgrades to the hamper. The new and improved Lifter Hamper was featured on QVC, likely helping to drive a big boost in sales. While the company’s website is no longer active and its social media hasn’t been updated since 2018, the product is still widely available from many retailers. This indicates that licensing has enabled the business to continue successfully.

What Was Lifter Hamper’s Net Worth?

While exact revenue figures aren’t available, the licensing deal with Household Essentials has enabled Lifter Hamper to reach an estimated $1 million in annual sales. For a product that started with one man’s back injury, that’s quite an impressive achievement. Marvin’s creativity, determination, and hustle in getting his invention licensed and into major retailers has clearly paid off.

Business Overview

The Lifter Hamper’s main selling point is its innovative spring-loaded lifting design that takes the strain out of doing laundry. By bringing clothes to the top of the hamper, it eliminates the need to bend over and dig to the bottom of the basket. This is a game-changer for anyone with back pain or limited mobility. The hamper comes in both single and triple laundry basket configurations. Prices range from around $40-80 depending on the model and retailer.

One challenge the company faces is some lackluster customer reviews, with the product earning 3.5 out of 5 stars on Amazon. The most common complaints cite flimsy construction and unclear assembly instructions. To reach its full potential, the Lifter Hamper may need another design upgrade focused on sturdiness and ease of assembly. Offering better customer support could also help improve reviews and build more brand loyalty.

Future Plans for Lifter Hamper

Despite some negative reviews, the Lifter Hamper still has a lot of potential. It addresses a real need in the market, as evidenced by the millions of American adults living with regular back pain. The Lifter Hamper could become a household name with the right product improvements and marketing strategy. Marvin’s best bet is probably to continue pursuing licensing opportunities to expand the brand’s reach.

He may also want to consider developing new products to help people with limited mobility perform other household tasks with less pain. The story of how his injury led him to create the Lifter Hamper could make for a powerful brand story. By sharing his mission to help others with physical limitations maintain their independence, Marvin could build an engaged community around his products. Consistent, authentic social media marketing will be key to making this happen.


Marvin Phillip and his Lifter Hamper prove that with hard work, a good idea, and the right business moves, even a Shark Tank rejection can still lead to success. Marvin has built a thriving business around his back-pain-busting hamper by licensing his invention and getting it into major retailers.

While there’s still room for improvement in terms of product design and customer sentiment, the Lifter Hamper has a bright future ahead. As long as Marvin continues to innovate, market wisely, and stay true to his mission of helping others, this dynamic entrepreneur and his signature product are sure to keep rising to the top.

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